MISEbox October Update

Today we released an update that significantly improves Content Tags and Allergens, improves the way we handles errors, and allows our clients to manage their restaurant and billing settings right from the platform.

Content Tag & Allergen Improvements

All item and employee content tags and allergens now include an inline overlay that shows all of the basic information about that item without any additional navigation. Want to know more info? If you click on the content tag a modal appears allowing you to browse through the different levels and learn all of the details you and your team needs to be successful. All existing content tags will automatically get this feature, alongside any new tags you add. Having this critical information inline will significantly reduce the time it takes to get up to speed on a new menu or item by reducing extra navigation and providing the information in context with what you’re looking at.

Current client administrators will receive more detailed communication about how these restaurant and billing settings affect them.

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